YouTube Tutorials

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We recommend readers go through the associated notebooks for each of their tutorials in their own time to read the detailed descriptions. These videos are only an introductory guide! Files available from: Click the green “Code” button in the top right, then “download zip”, unzip, and open the “Examples” folder. Or you can download the files directly from this website.

Why did we develop PySulfSat

A short introduction to the motivation behind developing PySulfSat

Example PySulfSat calculation for a Petrolog3 fractionation path

This video shows how to perform SCSS and SCAS calculations for a Petrolog3 fractionation path

Integrating PySulfSat with PyMELTScalc

This video shows how to integrate MELTS calculations and SCSS calculations in a single Jupyter Notebook.

Accounting for presence of both S species (2- and 6+)

This video shows how to correct modelled SCSS and SCAS values into total S contents

Modelling Mantle Melting

This video shows how to model Cu and Ba behavoir during mantle melting in the presence of different amounts of sulfur.

Monte Carlo Simulations 1

This video gives an introduction to how to perform Monte Carlo simulations in PySulfSat

Monte Carlo Simulations 2

This video shows a real life example, propagating uncertainty in calculated S6/ST for Muth and Wallace (2021)

Other useful things

This video shows how to plot the calibration datasets for different SCSS and SCAS models, and your data in comparison

This video shows how to calculate KD using Kiseeva et al. (2015) and Brenan (2015)