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Calculating sulfur and trace element evolution during mantle melting.

  • This notebook shows how to use the mantle melting model of Lee et al. (2012) adapted by Wieser et al. (2020) to model how S, Cu and other chalcophile or lithophile elements evolve during mantle melting

  • For more information on how the math works, we direct you towards the supporting information of Wieser et al (2020) - - Where the equations are typed out in detail

Loading libraries

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import PySulfSat as ss

Loading silicate modes and KDs

  • Here is the place to enter your modes for the silicate mineralogy and the KD values you want to use.

Modes=pd.DataFrame(data={'ol': 0.6, 'opx': 0.2,
       'cpx': 0.18, 'sp': 0.02, 'gt': 0}, index=[0])

KDs_Cu=pd.DataFrame(data={'element': 'Cu',
        'ol': 0.048, 'opx': 0.034,
        'cpx': 0.043, 'sp': 0.223,
        'gt': 0, 'sulf': 800}, index=[0])
S_Sulf = 33*(10**4)
df_Cu_300S=ss.Lee_Wieser_sulfide_melting(N=30, Modes=Modes,
                        S_Sulf=S_Sulf, elem_Per=30,

Example 1 - no change in silicate mineralogy

  • Because the K\(_{D}\) of Cu in sulfide is so much higher than the K\(_{D}\) in silicate minerals, the silicate mineralogy really doesnt matter much. For less strongly chalcophile elements, e.g. Pb, that wont be the case. In Example 2, we show how you can deal with the fact that silicate modes will change during melting

  • Here, we use 3000 melting steps, run the model from M=1 to M=0.2 (e.g. F from 0 to 0.8), assume sulfides in the mantle have 33 wt% S, and that there is 30 ppm of the element we want to model (Cu here) in the mantle. We assume the mantle initially has 200 ppm of S.

  • Finally, following Lee et al. (2012), we assume that the S content of the melt is fixed at 980 ppm (the SCSS calculated using ONeill and Mavrogenes 1998 ‘basalt’ model)

S_Sulf = 33*(10**4)
df_Cu_200S=ss.Lee_Wieser_sulfide_melting(Modes=Modes, KDs=KDs_Cu,
                        N=3000, S_Mantle=200,
                        S_Sulf=S_Sulf, S_Melt_SCSS_2_ppm=1000,
                        elem_Per=30, Prop_S6=0)
F M Cu_KD Cu_Melt_Agg Cu_Melt_Inst Cu_Residue S_Residue S_Melt_Inst S_Melt_Agg S_Melt_input XSulf
0 0.00000 1.00000 0.532620 0.000000 0.000000 30.000000 200.000000 1000.0 1.170192e-311 1000.0 0.000606
1 0.00033 0.99967 0.531979 56.359888 56.359888 29.991295 199.735825 1000.0 1.000000e+03 1000.0 0.000605
2 0.00066 0.99934 0.531338 56.385674 56.411459 29.982568 199.471475 1000.0 1.000000e+03 1000.0 0.000604
3 0.00099 0.99901 0.530697 56.411501 56.463156 29.973818 199.206951 1000.0 1.000000e+03 1000.0 0.000604
4 0.00132 0.99868 0.530055 56.437371 56.514980 29.965045 198.942251 1000.0 1.000000e+03 1000.0 0.000603
## Lets add some S6+, which increases how much S is in the melt.
S_Sulf = 33*(10**4)
df_Cu_200S_s6=ss.Lee_Wieser_sulfide_melting(Modes=Modes, KDs=KDs_Cu,
                        N=3000, S_Mantle=200,
                        S_Sulf=S_Sulf, S_Melt_SCSS_2_ppm=1000,
                        elem_Per=30, Prop_S6=0.2)
F M Cu_KD Cu_Melt_Agg Cu_Melt_Inst Cu_Residue S_Residue S_Melt_Inst S_Melt_Agg S_Melt_input XSulf
0 0.00000 1.00000 0.532620 0.000000 0.000000 30.000000 200.000000 1250.0 1.169220e-311 1250.0 0.000606
1 0.00033 0.99967 0.531779 56.381085 56.381085 29.991288 199.653270 1250.0 1.250000e+03 1250.0 0.000605
2 0.00066 0.99934 0.530938 56.417526 56.453967 29.982547 199.306311 1250.0 1.250000e+03 1250.0 0.000604
3 0.00099 0.99901 0.530096 56.454045 56.527082 29.973776 198.959123 1250.0 1.250000e+03 1250.0 0.000603
4 0.00132 0.99868 0.529254 56.490642 56.600433 29.964974 198.611705 1250.0 1.250000e+03 1250.0 0.000602
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10,5))
ax1.plot(df_Cu_200S_s6['F'], df_Cu_200S_s6['Cu_Melt_Agg'], ':r', label='20% S6')
ax1.plot(df_Cu_200S['F'], df_Cu_200S['Cu_Melt_Agg'], '-r', label='0% S6')

ax2.plot(df_Cu_200S_s6['F'], df_Cu_200S_s6['S_Residue'], ':r', label='20% S6')
ax2.plot(df_Cu_200S['F'], df_Cu_200S['S_Residue'], '-r', label='0% S6')
ax1.set_ylabel('Cu in agg melt')
ax1.set_ylabel('S in source')
Text(0, 0.5, 'S in source')

Example 1b: We can do the same for any other element, we just need a new set of K\(_{D}\)s

KDs_Ba=pd.DataFrame(data={'element': 'Ba',
'ol': 0.000005, 'opx': 0.000006,
'cpx': 0.0004, 'sp': 0.223, 'gt': 0.00007, 'sulf': 0 }, index=[0])

df_Ba_200S=ss.Lee_Wieser_sulfide_melting(N=3000, Modes=Modes,
                        S_Sulf=S_Sulf, elem_Per=6.85,
F M Ba_KD Ba_Melt_Agg Ba_Melt_Inst Ba_Residue S_Residue S_Melt_Inst S_Melt_Agg S_Melt_input XSulf
0 0.00000 1.00000 0.004533 0.000000 0.000000 6.850000 200.000000 1000.0 1.026046e-311 1000.0 0.000606
1 0.00033 0.99967 0.004533 1408.865815 1408.865815 6.387028 199.735825 1000.0 1.000000e+03 1000.0 0.000605
2 0.00066 0.99934 0.004533 1361.240016 1313.614218 5.955214 199.471475 1000.0 1.000000e+03 1000.0 0.000604
3 0.00099 0.99901 0.004533 1315.751735 1224.775173 5.552470 199.206951 1000.0 1.000000e+03 1000.0 0.000604
4 0.00132 0.99868 0.004533 1272.293504 1141.918809 5.176848 198.942251 1000.0 1.000000e+03 1000.0 0.000603

Example 1c - Different initial S contents


df_Cu_100S=ss.Lee_Wieser_sulfide_melting(N=3000, Modes=Modes, M_Max=0.2, KDs=KDs_Cu, S_Sulf=S_Sulf, elem_Per=30, S_Mantle=100, S_Melt_SCSS_2_ppm=1000, Prop_S6=0) df_Cu_300S=ss.Lee_Wieser_sulfide_melting(N=3000, Modes=Modes, M_Max=0.2, KDs=KDs_Cu, S_Sulf=S_Sulf, elem_Per=30, S_Mantle=300, S_Melt_SCSS_2_ppm=1000)

Now lets plot to see how we expect Cu vs. Ba to evolve for different mantle S contents

  • Following Wieser et al. (2020)

fig, ((ax1, ax2)) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10,4), sharex=True)
# 100 ppm
        '-',color='m', ms=10, label='Cu, S=100 ppm')
# Lets add a cross to show the point at which sulfide is exhausted
sulf_out_100=np.take(np.where(df_Cu_100S['S_Residue']==0), 0)
        '*k', ms=10)

# 200 ppm
        '--', color='m', ms=10, label='Cu, S=200 ppm')
# Lets add a cross to show the point at which sulfide is exhausted
sulf_out_200=np.take(np.where(df_Cu_200S['S_Residue']==0), 0)
        '*k', ms=10)

# 300pm
        ':', color='m',ms=10, label='Cu, S=300 ppm')
# Lets add a cross to show the point at which sulfide is exhausted
sulf_out_300=np.take(np.where(df_Cu_300S['S_Residue']==0), 0)
        '*k', ms=10, label='Sulf out')

        '-', color='k', ms=10, label='Ba, S=200 ppm')

ax1.set_xlabel('F (degree of melting)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Conc in Aggregated melt (ppm)')
ax1.set_xlim([0, 0.4])
ax1.set_ylim([0, 400])

# Show S left in source
':', color='m', label='Cu, 300ppm')
'-', color='m', label='Cu, 100ppm')
'--', color='m', label='Cu, 200ppm')
ax2.set_xlabel('F (degree of melting)')
ax2.set_ylabel('S left in Residue (ppm)')
fig.savefig('Cu_Ba_behavoir.png', dpi=300)
df_Cu_300S=ss.Lee_Wieser_sulfide_melting(N=30, Modes=Modes,
                        S_Sulf=S_Sulf, elem_Per=30,

Example 2: Changing Silicate proportions

  • Here, we load in a changing silicate mineral mineralogy. This may be an output from Thermocalc, or some empirical calculation you have for your system

cumulative F melt mass of peridotite residue Mass of peridotite Penny's way ol_i opx_i cpx_i sp_i Unnamed: 7 ol opx ... S ppm solubility S ppm (solubility) Cu ppm instant Cu ppm aggregate Unnamed: 33 lnS Unnamed: 35 Unnamed: 36 Unnamed: 37 TiO2 wt. % aggregate melt
0 0.0000 1.0000 -0.000501 0.6000 0.2 0.1800 0.02 1.0 0.599670 0.199890 ... 980.787209 980.787209 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 0.0005 0.9995 -0.000501 0.6005 0.2 0.1795 0.02 1.0 0.600170 0.199890 ... 980.787209 980.787209 61.471598 61.471598 NaN 6.697206 810.138903 NaN 0.0005 2.142514
2 0.0010 0.9990 -0.000501 0.6010 0.2 0.1790 0.02 1.0 0.600671 0.199890 ... 980.787209 980.787209 61.547315 61.509457 NaN 6.697125 810.073475 NaN 0.0010 2.132959
3 0.0015 0.9985 -0.000501 0.6015 0.2 0.1785 0.02 1.0 0.601171 0.199891 ... 980.787209 980.787209 61.623298 61.547404 NaN 6.697044 810.007822 NaN 0.0015 2.123488
4 0.0020 0.9980 -0.000501 0.6020 0.2 0.1780 0.02 1.0 0.601671 0.199891 ... 980.787209 980.787209 61.699548 61.585440 NaN 6.696963 809.941945 NaN 0.0020 2.114102

5 rows × 39 columns

  • Now arrange your columns into a dataframe. Here, the modes are labelled in columns ol_i etc.

Modes2=pd.DataFrame(data={'ol': Lee_df_Sil['ol_i'],
                        'cpx': Lee_df_Sil['cpx_i'],
                        'opx': Lee_df_Sil['opx_i'],
                        'sp': Lee_df_Sil['sp_i'],
                        'gt': Lee_df_Sil['opx_i']*0})
df_Cu_200S_changeSi=ss.Lee_Wieser_sulfide_melting(N=3000, Modes=Modes2,
                        S_Sulf=S_Sulf, elem_Per=30,

df_Ba_200S_changeSi=ss.Lee_Wieser_sulfide_melting(N=3000, Modes=Modes2,
                        S_Sulf=S_Sulf, elem_Per=6.85,
c:\users\penny\box\berkeley_new\pysulfsat\pysulfsat_structure\src\PySulfSat\ UserWarning: You have inputted a dataframe of silicate modes that doesnt match the number of steps you asked for. We are changing the number of steps to match the length of your dataframe
  w.warn('You have inputted a dataframe of silicate modes that doesnt match the number of steps you asked for. We are changing the number of steps to match the length of your dataframe')
c:\users\penny\box\berkeley_new\pysulfsat\pysulfsat_structure\src\PySulfSat\ UserWarning: You have inputted a dataframe of silicate modes that doesnt match the number of steps you asked for. We are changing the number of steps to match the length of your dataframe
  w.warn('You have inputted a dataframe of silicate modes that doesnt match the number of steps you asked for. We are changing the number of steps to match the length of your dataframe')

and then plot whatever you want!

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